Line ...

When we talk about “Learn Imagination through Neo Education”, we must look back in human history. Human being learned about shape, colour of the things or objects before they made `Alphabet’ or the `Sign’ of anything. And we find these on the wall of old cave. So, with the use of imagination human being uses every thing that they achieved through observation and experience. After making the shape of objects there comes `Alphabet’ or `Words’. And by adding any type of line or by the shortening of line with the shape of objects there appears `Alphabet’.

−− The interesting fact is that when we utter `APPLE’ or `DOG’, it is not necessary to know the `Alphabet’ that constituted the word `APPLE’ or `DOG’. Such as             A+P+P+L+E = Apple , D+O+G =Dog .

With the utterance of `Apple’ or `Dog’ the shape of `Apple’ and `Dog’ comes in our mind and at that time we can understand that objects and in this way we become delighted.

So, we learn from nature that it is possible to achieve lesson if we are well aware about the shape of objects or things.

We should observe everything very well. We see the objects , but we do not watch properly . We watch but we never observe them. In other words, there are many persons who have healthy eyes, but they are unable to observe, and never intended to observe properly. So, our society never becomes as we wished, and we are captured by a speechless materialistic world .

We tried to develop the creative power of children since 2008. Later we build `LINE’ through long experience and experiment. And you can find its details in the place called `Course’ in this website .

Music, Dance, Drawing and Acting i.e. the practice of art provides our society the material of happiness of living and also provides the energy to human being to possess a position from good to better. And we call this course “Education through art and Entertainment’’. And it learns us to watch, to observe, to think with great delight.

`Line’ helps a learner to become a successful, healthy civilized man and the most important is that it helps us to become a good civilization. And they become aware about the beauty of object that is very much needed in our future life to make our life beautiful and ensure.

The use of `Imagination power’ is an ancient fact. And human being used this `Imagination power’ through various ways. And they use this in present time and they will also use this in future.

It is the fact that everybody has not the same imagination power, but it can be developed in a particular way of regular practice. And it is possible to develop it more for the persons who have a good imaginative power. But this process is very complex and lengthy. To get the result of it, you have to practice it regularly in a systematic and disciplined way and in a proper guidance. And `LINE’ is doing this task silently.

"LINE'S Dream Creative Society"

Everything comes to us that belongs to us if we create the capacity to receive it .

Rabindranath Tagore

You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul .

Swami Vivekananda

No real change in history has ever been achieved by discussions .

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose